Violence and abuse come in many forms

Abuse can be physical, sexual and emotional. It can also be digital and financial. Abuse can happen inside the home or out on the playground, adults can abuse youth and youth can abuse each other. Abuse comes in all forms.

It can be often be difficult to know what is healthy and unhealthy in relationships and when something is abuse. If someone does one or more of these things it is most likely abuse:

  • Threatens you.
  • Injures you by kicking, hitting, or pushing.
  • Loses control of their temper.
  • Puts you down.
  • Accuses you of something that you did not do.
  • Isolates you from your family or friends.
  • Shows extreme jealousy.
  • ‍Looks at your phone or email without permission.
  • Tells you what you should do or how you should behave.
  • Pressures you or forces you to have sexual intercourse.
  • Sends you an unsolicited nude photo or pressures you to send them a nude photo.
  • Asks you to do something sexual (like oral sex) in exchange for a favor.

These are just a few examples. You’re welcome to read more on this website to better learn what abuse looks like and where you can get help.

You can contact 112 or 1717 24 hours a day to get help.

Let’s talk a bit about abuse. Do you know what abuse is?

Manneskja styður höndum á gagnaugun. Henni líður greinilega illa. Eldingar eru teiknaðar hjá höfðinu.

Teenage fights

Bullying and rough physical fights have serious and lifelong consequences.

Manneskja situr flötum beinum á gólfinu með annan fótinn krossaðan yfir. Hún er leið á svip og með lokuð augun. Hún er með dökkt sítt hár, er í blárri peysu, dökkum buxum og brúnum skóm. Hún heldur hægri hendinni upp að eyranu en heldur farsímannum upp fyrir framan sig í vinstri hendinni.

Teenage digital sexual abuse

It can be a risk taking and sending a sexual picture of yourself or others but it is okay if everyone involved wants to. When it is done through pressuring someone or without permission it is illegal.

Manneskja heldur fyrir augun. Hún snýr að okkur og mikið liðað hár sveiflast til hægri í vindinum.

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is when someone makes you do something sexual that you don’t want to do, touches you, or harasses you in a sexual way.

Manneskja í fjötrum. Hún er með lokuð augu og er leið á svipinn og heldur þétt utan um sig. Rauður þykkur borði er vafinn utan um hana.

Domestic abuse

If someone related to you or close to you inflicts abuse on you, that is called domestic abuse or intimate partner violence.

Healthy relationships and sex

In healthy relationships and sexual intercourse there is equality, honesty, respect, and good communication. In good relationships, there are more good times than bad times.

When do teenagers become criminally responsible?

Teenagers become criminally responsible at the age of 15. That means that they can be punished if they commit an offence. They can be arrested and placed in custody but then the child protection committee and their parents must be notified because there are special rules about teenagers below the age of 18.

Tell someone

If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, the best thing to do is to tell someone you trust. For example someone in your family, a teacher, a school counsellor, a school psychologist, school nurse, or coach. Those who commit abuse can also get help. There are lots of people who are ready to listen and help and lots of free support is available.

In Icelandic

The Sick Love Chat

The Sick love chat is an anonymous chat for young people who seek advice about their relationships, communication or violence.

Bergið headspace

Bergið is a support- and counselling centre for young people up to 25 years old.


The Red Cross Helpline 1717 is a phone service and webchat for those who need someone to talk to in confidentiality. They are open 24 hours, and it's free to call.

Barn hlustar á hjartslátt á bangsa

Healthcare Centres

At the Health care Centres, doctors, nurses, midwives and psychologist work to serve residents in that neighbourhood or municipality.

Samtökin '78

Samtökin 78

Samtökin 78 is the National Queer Organisation of Iceland. Amongst other things, they offer counseling for queer people who have experienced abuse in close relationships.

teiknuð mynd af hvítu ljóni á svörtum bakgrunni


Vopnabúrið is a gym and a leisure center that provides counseling and support to children and teenagers in need.


When an older person uses deceit or gifts to groom a teenager or a vulnerable person to perform sexual acts, it is called grooming. Grooming is abuse and is illegal.

Manneskja situr flötum beinum á gólfinu með annan fótinn krossaðan yfir. Hún er leið á svip og með lokuð augun. Hún er með dökkt sítt hár, er í blárri peysu, dökkum buxum og brúnum skóm. Hún heldur hægri hendinni upp að eyranu en heldur farsímannum upp fyrir framan sig í vinstri hendinni.


Are you between 10 and 12 years old? What are you supposed to do you live with violence and abuse? What is bullying and how do you use all those apps to talk to people?